Summer Vacay for Team C&T! Orders placed after June 27th will ship out around July 18th.

Handsome Blog — Shopkeeper Interviews RSS

Shopkeeper Interviews: Caroline and Daniel of WALRUS

Five and a half years ago was a ballsy time to open a new retail shop in Vancouver - add a massive city infrastructure project on the same street and now you're really talking. However, Caroline Boquist and Daniel Kozlowski did just that when they opened WALRUS. We met them shortly after opening when our worlds intersected, and we've been friends ever since. The store is well-loved by passers-by and loyalists alike because of the excellent product mix and friendly & knowledgeable staff, all packed into a cozy space on Cambie Street. Cursor & Thread: How’s your summer been? How’s the neighbourhood? Daniel Kozlowski: Summer has been great! It’s sunny out and people are happy! C&T: Congratulations on the success of the last 5+ years! Do you remember where you were the moment you officially...

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Shopkeeper Interviews: Jeff Brodawka of "Brodawka & Friends"

We've had the pleasure of knowing, the always well-dressed, quick-witted and polite, Jeff Brodawka for the better part of a decade now. For the first time in that relationship we managed to make record of a recent conversation in his wonderful boutique Brodawka & Friends in Toronto which he opened to the world two years ago. Cursor & Thread: Can I buy you a beverage? What's your first choice? Jeff Brodawka: Espresso - but it would have to be in Italy, so that's on you. C&T: Do you remember where you were the moment you decided to open the first shop? Can you remember the feeling? JB: Yep, I was at a shoe show and paid a visit to the...

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